Although rules for contemporary residents are more relaxed, for much of their history almshouses set out stringent requirements for their inhabitants. Trinity Hospital imposed a daily timetable:
6am (8am in winter): rise, dress and say prayers.The gates were locked at 8pm (5pm in winter), but in any event residents could not leave the grounds without permission. However, that doesn't mean that life was miserable for occupants. First, the Hospital itself is beautiful, with gardens which retain their sense of peace even now that Greenwich's power station towers alongside. Similarly, the Merchant Taylor's almshouses are a tranquil green oasis beside Lee High Road. Second, communal life brought celebrations as well as discipline: two bowls of punch were drunk at Trinity Hospital to celebrate a new clock in 1841.
9am: service in the chapel (or St Alfege Church on Wednesday and Friday).
Until 11am: free time (gardening and housework)
11am: lunch in the hall
3pm: church or chapel service, followed by free time ('weekly correction' on Saturday).
6pm: supper in the hall.
9pm: bedtime.

A chapel was integrated into Trinity Hospital's main building; Boone's Chapel was also central to life in the Merchant Taylor's almshouses, endowed by Christopher Boone in 1683. It has just been restored, and reopened three days ago for the first time since 1945. During restoration, a secret vault containing the coffins of Boone and his wife were discovered within it.
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Very nice article.
The Alms Houses are historically
interesting in South London.
Have you produced any articles on others in Greenwich or Lewisham?
I'm afraid I haven't yet. I do agree that they are really interesting.
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