Friday 7 November 2008

Dean Stanhope's School rules

Addey & Stanhope School, still on New Cross Road in Deptford, was formed by the amalgamation of John Addey's charity with Dean Stanhope's School in the late nineteenth century. Both charities had long performed a vital role in the education of poorer children of the town: Dean Stanhope's School was founded about 1715 and by 1837 was clothing and educating 50 boys and 30 girls. Its aim was to see the boys apprenticed and the girls instructed in 'useful needlework and domestic duties' (fitting them for work as maidservants and for marriage).

However, the recipients of the school's charity had their own obligations. These were set out in the published rules for parents and children; this version is from 1814.

January 1, 1814

Rules for the Guidance of Parents, Relations, & Friends.

They are to send their children regularly to School, clean, washed and combed, a quarter before nine in the morning, and a quarter before two in the afternoon, precisely.

On Sundays, they are to send them before they proceed to Church, a quarter before ten in the morning, and a quarter before two in the afternoon, precisely.

They are not to detain them from School, or Church, except from sickness, or with leave. – In case of sickness, immediate information must be given.

They are not to take their children from the School without one month’s previous notice. The cloaths, &c. are to be immediately returned on the removal or dismissal of any child: security to that effect must be given by parents, relations, or friends.

They are not to interfere with the discipline of the school.

Parents, relations, and friends, are expected to instill into their children the principles of gratitude, obedience, and submission.

N.B. No child having an unseemly appearance, a cutaneous eruption, or infectious disorder, will be admitted into the School.

Rules to be observed by the Children.

They must go directly to and from the School in an orderly manner.

They must take the greatest care of their cloaths, caps, books, &c. and never appear in the Streets dirty or ragged.

They must pay every proper and due respect to their Benefactors, Elders, and Superiors, whether passing them, or meeting them in the Streets.

They are never allowed to appear in the Streets but in the uniform dress allowed them by the Trustees.

The Boys are to be on the Muster Ground, precisely at the times appointed, otherwise they will lose their call.

Children are not to take God’s Name in Vain; to swear, to lie, to steal, to cheat, to play truant, or to throw stones. For misbehavior at Church, they will invariably be punished.


Image: Dean Stanhope's School c1840, from ideal homes: suburbia in focus.

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