Wednesday 4 November 2009

Where am I?

Where can this bird be found? And for bonus points, what bird is it?

(As ever, click the picture to enlarge.)


Anonymous said...

Blackfriar's Bridge, where there are seabirds on one side of the bridge and non sea birds or summat like that on the other side. Dunno what this bird is, a heron?

CarolineLD said...

Absolutely right, it is a heron on the freshwater side of Blackfriars Bridge.

Deptford Dame said...

incredible! a bridge fact I didn't know! And what a lovely one too, I will look out for those!

Minnie said...

Wish I'd known about this in the days when I crossed that bridge x 2 daily: such things enliven a commute no end! Oh, well ... got the bird right at least (entirely thanks to your photo).