One of my favourite Christmas presents was a book by Pascal Lemercier which chronicles life in pays Gallo (the eastern, Gallo-speaking part of Brittany) and particularly the area in which my parents live. It's well-illustrated, including with old photographs and postcard images - and I couldn't resist taking comparison photos of some of the scenes today.
Here are two pictures of Broons, the local market town, in the early twentieth century. Below each is the same scene now. Among the major differences are the road surfaces and the presence of cars - but it's also striking that the church has gained a spire.

Here are two pictures of Broons, the local market town, in the early twentieth century. Below each is the same scene now. Among the major differences are the road surfaces and the presence of cars - but it's also striking that the church has gained a spire.

It's amazing how little has changed!
That spire looks wrong somehow ...
Fascinating post; I hadn't heard of Gallo. Presumably it's cause is overshadowed by that of the Breton language.
Here we have Nissart &, despite Villers-Cotteret/lack of central recognition of regional dialects, there's a growing interest in learning it - largely among the young, interestingly enough. Plus there's a great deal of collaboration apparent between upholders of Occitan dialects & traditions spanning the entire south. So not quite 'adieou baraca' for Nissart yet!
Yes, the spire looks as if it's about 150% scale.
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