Tuesday 12 August 2014

Vintage tractors

For the 22nd year, Plenee Jugon in Brittany hosted a Festival of Mechanisation, featuring farm vehicles from the 1920s to the 1950s. There were lots of vintage tractors, some rusty, others restored to vivid colour.



Maggie said...

Great photos of these lovely old tractors. X

Björn H said...

Thank you so much for lovely pix!

Stephen Barker said...

I once used a little grey fergie as a student working to bring the hay harvest in. This was the only time of the year it was used. It did not have a battery so had to be pulled to jump start it, if I stalled it I was not very popular.

On another farm there was an old red International tractor with useless brakes. I had to literally stand on the brake pedal to have any effect. Having to bring a trailer of straw bales down a hill on a single track road had me praying that I did not meet anyone coming the other way.

Ralph Hancock said...

I have also driven a little old grey Fergie, and had to bring a trailer full of manure down a steep hill. It had no brakes worthy of the name. At the top of the hill you had to stop, bash it into low gear -- a task requiring some strength -- and hope that this would retard it sufficiently to keep you from being buried in the contents of the trailer.