Saturday 7 November 2009

Changes at Convoy's Wharf

Thanks to Deptford Dame for highlighting this article on the Convoy's Wharf redevelopment. It seems that after a long pause, the scheme should soon restart - but with 'minor amendments' and a new architect. The changed plans will have to be approved by the Mayor of London; there's no hint in the article of what the changes are.


Deptford dame said...

I think your picture is the neighbouring development - Paynes & Borthwick wharves. Convoys is the huge site just west of this, entrance at the end of Princes St.

CarolineLD said...

Thank you - a really stupid mistake, my only excuse is that they were neighbouring photos in my directory. (Not sure why I didn't notice once it had uploaded though, especially given that Convoys is the one with 'Convoys' helpfully written on the building.)

Photo now changed!